This should be my 2nd apoc game. Next weekend I'm playing a game that is space wolfs vs dark angels (I'll post about that in the next few days or so). On June 29th the game store is putting on an open apoc game. This is my list I'm going to try. This is 18 battle suits and faresight, that's every bs I own. I think I need more!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
What happened to Natfka?
I like to read a 40k blog at but I tried to read some last night and the bog had been taken down. So I did a little research and this is what I found.
GW served google for copyright infringement because of the stuff posted by Natfka. They are only hurting themselves. There on a crusade to burn there fan base in to the ground.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
New Tau with Fairsight
So here is my 2nd list that I've posted. I haven't played it yet. I'm upset about the broadsides so I think the next time I might think about using them is with all the missiles. I'm giving Farsight a go with a large command squad. Also I'm trying the fighter for spin. I like the bomber it was fun to use.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Wolf wrecks face
I'm trying this list tomorrow. I miss playing my wolfs, and when I played a 3k list one weekend they wrecked face.
2000 Pts
HQ: Canis Wolfborn (1#, 185 pts)
Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry (3#, 270 pts)
3 Thunderwolf Cavalry - Storm Shield; Thunder Hammer
HQ: Wolf Lord in Power Armour (1#, 200 pts)
1 Wolf Lord in Power Armour, 200 pts Thunderwolf Mount; Frost Axe x1; Storm Shield x1;
Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry (3#, 270 pts)
3 Thunderwolf Cavalry - Storm Shield; Thunder Hammer
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 185 pts)
10 Grey Hunters Pack, 185 pts -Plasma gun
1 Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 185 pts)
10 Grey Hunters Pack, 185 pts -Plasma gun
1 Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 185 pts)
10 Grey Hunters Pack, 185 pts -Plasma gun
1 Rhino
Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (7#, 215 pts)
5 Long Fangs Pack Missile Launcher x5
1 Squad Leader
1 Razorback
Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 205 pts)
4 Long Fangs Pack, Lascannon x1; Missile Launcher x3;
1 Squad Leader
1 Razorback
1 Aegis Defence Lines, 100 pts
1 Gun Emplacement
2000 Pts
HQ: Canis Wolfborn (1#, 185 pts)
Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry (3#, 270 pts)
3 Thunderwolf Cavalry - Storm Shield; Thunder Hammer
HQ: Wolf Lord in Power Armour (1#, 200 pts)
1 Wolf Lord in Power Armour, 200 pts Thunderwolf Mount; Frost Axe x1; Storm Shield x1;
Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry (3#, 270 pts)
3 Thunderwolf Cavalry - Storm Shield; Thunder Hammer
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 185 pts)
10 Grey Hunters Pack, 185 pts -Plasma gun
1 Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 185 pts)
10 Grey Hunters Pack, 185 pts -Plasma gun
1 Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 185 pts)
10 Grey Hunters Pack, 185 pts -Plasma gun
1 Rhino
Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (7#, 215 pts)
5 Long Fangs Pack Missile Launcher x5
1 Squad Leader
1 Razorback
Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 205 pts)
4 Long Fangs Pack, Lascannon x1; Missile Launcher x3;
1 Squad Leader
1 Razorback
1 Aegis Defence Lines, 100 pts
1 Gun Emplacement
Friday, March 1, 2013
Army tokens for a campaign
Five down ten more to go. I still need to put magnets on them. Not yet sure how I'm going to do that.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Big game with big guns
A friend is moving away and I asked if he wanted to play 40k tonight. He had a game all ready but invited me to play a bigger game with him. So we are splitting 5000 points. It's going to be me and him vs a 5000 bug army :/ The list I'm bringing to the table will look like this.
Monday, February 18, 2013
New list with out the wolfs
I've decided to drop the thunderwolfs. There scary, so they die fast. Also how I run them is very expensive. So I'm trying to run a list with out them.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Thunderwolf or no Thunderwolf

So all of my lists have had Thunderwolf cavalry. I think there one of the coolest units is the space wolf army. There wolfguard that went out in the to woods to tame a wild wolf or die trying, thats bad ass. The way I like to run them is 4 wolfs all with storm shields and one thunder hammer. But are the worth the 350 pts? I'm starting to think that they are not. Evey time I run them there killed in the first or second turn. People freak out and shoot everything at them, or I end up loosing one because I rolled a 1 and they tripped over a rock or ran in to a tree. So I've made a couple of lists were I dropped them and added some more gray hunters, a defense line and some more tanks. I'll post the listed later. Comments????
Monday, February 4, 2013
My first time ;)
So I got tired of looking for more missile launchers for my long fangs I bought some forge world stuff.............................
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Space puppies, no I prefer Space Vikings
The 40k league at the games store Fantasy Books and Games this month is 2000pts. I'm playing space wolfs
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
another space puppy list
HQ: 185pt Canis Wolfborn
Troop: 175pt 9 Gray hunters
Troop: 165pt 6 Gray hunters
Razorback with TL Lascannon
Elite: 265pt 10 Wolf Guard in power armor CCW and 10x Combi-meltaguns
Drop Pod
Elite: 505pt 5 Wolf Guard in Terminator armor. One storm shields and a power axe. One storm shield and power sword. Two thunder hammers and storm bolters. One power sword and assault cannon.
Land Raider with 2 TL lascannons and TL Heavy Bolter
Fast: 350pts 4 Thunderwolf cavalry. All with storm shields. One with Thunder Hammer.
Heavy: 205pts 5 Long Fangs 1 lascannon, 3 Missile launchers, 1 squad leader.
Razorback with TL Lascannon
Total 1850pt
So my plan is for Canis to hang out with the other Thunderwolfs. They will run up and assault stuff. The Terminators will speed up and assault stuff. The Gray hunter in the Rhino and Razor back will sit on objectives or I will send one up to attack. Thin the wolf guard will come down close to something scary and melta it to death.
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